Pedri Animation, a studio specializing in stop-motion animation. Founders Peter Mansfelt and Paul Mathot, together with free lance specialists, work to create high quality productions and to educate new talent.
For more than a decade Pedri Animation has been delivering high quality animation for commercials, children series, leaders, corporate productions and short films, broadcasted worldwide. Two well-known examples are the children series ‘Miffy and Friends’ and ‘Animal Shelf.’
Pedri Animation has all the facilities and expertise to create state of the art animation puppets, sets, props and small special FX. In its own studios, Pedri Animation uses professional digital equipment and the latest computer software (compositing, paint and digital SFX), making Pedri Animation’s touchable world look more exclusive – perfect to deliver content for media platforms like (instore) tv, internet, mobile phone and game consoles.
Along with the realization of stop-motion productions, Pedri Animation started to develop and (co-)produce its own stop-motion projects. The first international co-production of Pedri Animation is the new children series of Ludovic (by Co Hoedeman), to be broadcasted by the KRO in the Netherlands at the end of 2009.
Due to its experience in stop-motion productions, Pedri Animation can not only be an interesting partner for the realization of stop-motion animation projects but also for co-producing series, shorts and feature films